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                    List of names in alphabetical order

       associated with "having served" from 1970 onwards 

  A - C

Peter Aldous

Bruce Allan

Paul Allison

Chris Anderson

Charles Andrew

Basil (the Brush) Armitage

Philip (Bill) Bailey

Steve Baldwin

Chris Barber

Len Barlow

Douglas Barr

Dave Bartlett

Gregory Barton

Robert (Bob) Baxter

J W (Bill) Beatty

Dave Beck

Michael Bell

Peter Benton

Harry Bennett

Patrick Beswick

Ricky (George) Beverly

George Bibby

Stan Blackman

Peter (Jimmy) Bond

J A Bolton

William (Bill) Bottger 

Bill Bowyer

Norman Brammer

A G Brewer

Roger Bridgeman

"Badger" Brock

P Brookes

Robert (Buster) Brown

John Browne

Alistair Browne

Rodney Burge

Ian (Olly) Burton

Chris Cain

George Carmody

Dave "Nick" Carter

Robert "Bob" Carter

Steve (Brum)Caulwell

G E Chadwick

Brian (Chaunce) Chapman

Keith Chapman

Mick Charlton

C R Charter

Chris Chase

Dave Cheetham

Roy Cheshire

R Cherry

Eric Churchill

Willie Clelland

Peter Cobb

JJ (Jumper)Collings

Trevor (Henry)Cooper

Taff Croucher

Dennis Coverdale

(Yorkie) Croft

Brian Cropper


      D - G

Mick Davenport

Aubrey Davies

Ivor Davis

Tom (George) Davison

Frank Dawson

Graham (Dixie) Dean

John Dexter

Robert Dick

Peter Dismore

Brian (Dixie) Dix

Tony Dodgson

Trevor Douglas

Keith Duncan

Steve Dunkley

W Dunlop


Craig (Dhoby) Dyer

Brian East

Gary Eachus

Ciaran Early

Ray Edwards

(Eggy) Eggerton

Wynford C Ellis (Taff)

George Elton

David Ernest

Joe (Paddy) Erskine

Geoffrey A Everett

Ken Ewart

Richard (Billy) Faulds

J Faulkner

Geoffrey Feast

Ian (Foxy) Ferrier

Chris Field

Tom Finney

A P Fisher

Paul Fisher

Terence Flack

Doug Foley

Peter (Florrie) Ford

Ricky Fulton

W Gardener

Keith Gane

Dave Geeson

George Gerc

Laurie Gladdis (MAFRO)

Dave Glover

D Godfrey

John (Dogs) Goodbody

"Jan the Scran" Gooding


N Gough

Jon Gowans

Neville Grant

William Gray

Howard Greenhough

Geoffrey Greenwood

John Greet

Stephen Gregory

Stephen Griffin

Dave Griggs MBE

John Grosvenor

George Growcock

John Grove

Kenneth Grundy


  H - J

Dave Hadley

Tim Hale

Rick Halliday

Brian Hall

Norman Hall

Michael Hamawi

Spam Hamersley

Michael Hannah

David P Hancock

Derek Handsley

Steve (Pogo) Hanson

Ken Hardcastle

Olly Hards

John Harfitt

W J Harris

Mick Harrowsmith

John Harrowsmith

John TG (Jan) Harvey BEM

John Havis

Roger Hawes

Dave Hawkins

Peter (Chip) Hayward

A R Hayes

Richard Heaselden

Christopher Hely-Hutchinson

P N Hibbert

G Hilton

Paul Hind

Jeremy Higgins

Roger Hoare

Paul Hoddinott

Tim (Nick) Holton

Rod Hoare

Andrew Horrocks

Ralph Hoy

Trevor Humble

Robin Hunter

William (Bill) Hyde

Ken Jackson

Philip D James

Trevor James

Tony Janku

Michael Jasilek

Ray Johnson

Brian Jones

John (Jake) Jones

Tom Jones

Eric Johnstone

James (Johno) Johnston

Peter Jordon


    K - L

Dave Kelway

Allan G Kennedy

Kenneth Kerr

"Ketch" Ketcher

R Killingley

Brian King

Phillip King

John Kinroy

Steve Knott

Andy Knox

Geoff (Leicester)Large

Johnny Larder

Steve Lazenby

Andrew Law

John Lear

Chris Leggett

Alexander Leckie

Arthur Leenson

C Taff leggett

OA Letherbarrow

Ken Lewis

Roy Lewis

Eric Johnson

Colin Jones

Christopher Jones

Dan Jordon

Paddy Jordon

Chris Leggett

Tom Le Marchands

Chris Lambert

Andy Lockhead

James Lodge

Didier Lombard

Barry Loram

Stuart (Stu) Lowden

Chris Lowther

Wayne Lurcock

Geoffrey Lunt



Martin Macpherson

Sydney Madin

M Mailey

Brian Malcolm

Danny Mandry

R Manders-Twydale

JP Manson

Rob Manson

Ian Mannell

Jim Manningham

EA Manquick

Geoff Marshall

Lee Marshall

M Martin

Harold Matson

I Maryon

Phil Matthews

Bob Maydon

Tony Mayley

K McAlenan

G McAinsh

M Mcaleer

W McCarthy

Peter McCulloch

Ken (George) McDonnell

D McFarland

PJ McGregor

Rob McGrory


Ken McKintyre

Peter McKinley

S McLeod

Jock McMullon

LS McNicol

William McNeil

Andrew "Andy" McVean

George Medhurst

J Meikeljohn

J Merchant

Hugh Mitchell (CO)

Richard Millar

Norman Miller

D Millard

AMD Milne-Holme

D Milsom

Taff Monk

P "Monty" Montgomery

Andy Mooney

M Moore

P Moorehouse

Roger Morris

J Morrison

R Morrison

Jim Mowatt

Richard Moxham

Brian Moxley

Arthur Mullett

Dave Mumford

"Paddy" Murphy

George "Matt" Munro

Victor Murray


     N - Q

Christopher Napier

James Naylor

Peter Neale

George Needham

Frank Nelson

Fredrick Newman

Alan Nye

Kevin O'Carroll

Paddy O'Riordan (CO)

David Palmer

P Parton

Roy Pearson

Richard Peach

Roy Pearson

Dave (Greg) Peck

Steve Perrin

Terry Perkins

Bob Phillips

Steve Phillips

Charlie Pilbeam

Alan Pillifent

Denis Pipe

"Pansey" Potter

Ron Prevett

William (Vicar) Priest

Nathan Prince

Martin (Paddy) Prenter

Ken Proctor

David Pulvertaft

John Purcell

Neville (Ned) Purvis

A C  Quade

M Quilter

   R - S

Andy Rainey

Peter Rapps

C Rawlins

Warren Raynham

John Rhodes

Jim Riach

P Richards

Vic Richards

Bernie Riley

N D Rippon

Andrew (Appy)Robertshaw

R C W Roberts

Tony Roberts

Ken (Robbie) Robinson

Keith (Roley) Rogers

Graham Rogers

Tony Rowan

Willie Russan

"Russ the bus" Russel

James FT (Sam) Salt (CO)

Mark Salisbury

J "Sam" Salmon

J Sanford

Mike Samborne

P A Schofield

Barry Seager (Ziggy

N E Selfie

JW Shakeshaft

Mick Sharratt

David (Arty) Shaw

M C Screech

Ian Sheherd

I Shields

S R Shield

J Simpson

"Sinky" Sinkinson

 S Billy Smart

Bill Smith

FJ Smith

Tony Smyth

Paul Spencer

Terry Spurling BEM

John Stainton

Robert Stansfield

Ken R Stanbury BEM

John Stather

Frank Stewart

J Stephenson

Jefferey Stocks

Robert Squires

Richard (Dick) Strange

Graham Stubbs



     T - Z 

F Taylor

John Taylor

Charles Ivan Thompson 

Raymand Thornton

William (Bill) Till

Stuart Topps

John Trantum

Chris Tuckwood

Dave Tull

S P Turner

Dave Tweedie

A Uphill

S A Vidak

Roger Wadman

Ken Walby

John (Whiskey) Walker

Steven (Clive) Walker

Michael Walker

Christopher Walker

Edward (Scouse) Walmsley

Ade Wanley

David (Sharkey) Ward

J Ward

B C Wardle

M  Wardle

Tony (Soapy) Waters

Ken Watts

R H Watson

Alex Webb

Nick Welford

T J Wentworth

H A J"Harvest" West

James (Les) West

George Whale

Paul "Bridge" Wheelhouse

Alan White

Graham White

Robin Whiteside

Rodney (Dave) Whitfield

Kevin Whittle

A Williams

Ronald Williamson

Ian Wilmore

M Wilmott

John Wilson

Michael (Mick) Wiltshire

Ian Woodstock

"Joe the Spo" Woodcock

Frank Wright

K G Wright

Steve P Wright

Bill Wyatt

Graham Wynn

John Taylor

Ivan ThompsonR Thornton

Sid Waller 

Edward (Scouse) Walmsley

Ade Wanley

Alex Webb

T J Wentworth

K G Wright

R Youens

TZ - if you know who TZ is please drop me a note! JanH



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